Most of these paintings are scenes from the American West. The botanical paintings are mostly weeds that I  dressed up in fancier clothes. I mostly do landscapes and, while I am painting, I get to walk around in those places again and again, often seeing more than I did the first time. Sometimes I find flowers I first thought unimportant that now might become a central subject.

The West is like that. Top a hill among trees and see the prairie stretch treeless before you, climb a mountain into snow in June. The West is full of big scenes and countless small ones.  In the Central Rockies and on its eastern prairie side there is a broad similarity all the way through New Mexico and Alberta, Canada. Big skies, open country with subtle changes in plants and the shape and size of the mountains as latitude and altitude changes.... Keeps a landscape painter busy.

I think the pictures ought to speak for themselves. My job is to portray a place, in time, as I see it, re-creating it all on hardboard and oil paint, in such a way that you might even feel you've been there, too. Or at least feel a connection to it. It's a good painting for you if that happens. Not so much if it does not. Visual art, after all, is a shared experience that  begins with the artist and uniquely ends with each viewer. 

So, have a look.